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Photo credit: Jenny Smith

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The Breast Surgeon who got Breast Cancer - Dr Liz O’Riordan

Dr Liz O’Riordan shares her unique perspective and extraordinary story as a breast surgeon who got breast cancer

Includes exclusive pre-talk access to the Hunterian Museum from 17:00 to 18:50

25th October 2023


In 2015, aged 40, consultant breast surgeon Liz O’Riordan was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. Liz shares her unique perspective and extraordinary story as a breast surgeon who got breast cancer not once, not twice, but three times. Side effects of treatment forced her to retire at the age of 43 but she has carved out a new career for herself. Having built up a dedicated community of followers online, she uses her influence to educate and empower cancer patients, and to improve cancer care. Her new memoir, ‘Under The Knife’, details just how challenging it was to train as a surgeon, both physically and mentally. Listening to her will leave you with hope, and that there is joy to be found, even in our darkest hours.

About Liz

Liz O’Riordan is an author, speaker and patient advocate. Her first book, ‘The Complete Guide to Breast Cancer: How to Feel Empowered and Take Control’, was her way of helping women when she could no longer treat them. In 2023 she had a second local recurrence, and in her best-selling memoir, ‘Under The Knife’, she shares her experiences of life as a female surgeon before becoming a patient herself. She talks globally to help improve cancer patient care. She’s about to launch her new podcast, ‘So Now I’ve Got Breast Cancer’ where she will continue to help women by answering all their questions. She’s been named as one of the top 5 global oncology influencers on Twitter and one of the top 100 Female Key Opinion Leaders in Oncology to follow on social media.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month - learn more on the Breast Cancer Now website 

Liz O'Riordan features in the Hunterian Museum in Transforming Lives, a series of interviews recounting personal experiences of surgery.