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Free entry - booking recommended

Tuesday to Saturday: 10am – 5pm

Museum case with a dark purple back board. In the foreground there is the projection of a book on a wood effect table, which a visitor is using. In the case there is a large oil paintings of a woman, alongside another painting, objects, images and specimens.

John Hunter – St George’s Hospital

John Hunter’s patients ranged from the poor to the wealthy. He served as a surgeon at London’s St George’s Hospital for 25 years, and had a private practice treating people in their own homes. This space tells the stories of a some of his patients - their lives, professions, illnesses, treatments and in some cases their deaths.

John Hunter died in 1793. The displays in this room goes on to look at the students he influenced, and the development of the Royal College of Surgeons of England collection after his death.
A drawing of a man with large tumour on the left side of his face and jaw, extending well below his chin

John Burley, aged 37, who had a salivary adenoma - a benign tumour - growing in his jaw

A drawing of a man looking to his right, with a scar extending from his ear to the middle of his neck

John Burley after Hunter successfully operated to remove the tumour in 1785

Museum gallery with grey walls. Down the left and right side there are glass display cases. The case on the right has a purple backdrop and contains oil paintings, specimens and instruments. At the end four oil paintings are hung. One individual is looking at the display, while another is looking at a projection.